Typhoon Does Not Control Us, Another Year of Success!

Ashita G. ('22)

An annual event, the Festival of Nations has attracted many people with its cultural diversity in food, entertaining games, and various talents displayed in the gym. This year was another success with the sales of Seisen merchandise, baked goods, and much more! Moreover, it was a great opportunity for students to take initiative and manage their responsibilities for shifts while enjoying time with friends and families. Despite the aftermath of the typhoon and rainy weather, the festival successfully cheered up the Seisen community, as well as the local Japanese community with its thrilling events, and ultimately, Seisen was able to create a welcoming atmosphere that showcased the schools’ efforts, and all the organizers, staff members, and students’ commitment to making the festival possible, once again. 

The Festival of Nations has been implemented into our yearly school routine, as it has raised the awareness of our community to encourage monetary donations, as well as voluntary contributions to help those in need and develop a perspective on international issues and its solutions. This year, Seisen had a few projects that were able to support charities, through the support received during the festival. Deshnaa S. (8), with Amy M. (8) and Limie S. (8), constructed and managed the booth of candy scooping, as a part of their MYP project. They fundraised for the organization, ‘Ronald McDonald House’, which provides accommodation for families staying near their hospitalized children. She said, “participating like this made it even more memorable and fun, and we were able to collect 13,400 yen in total”. 


The Social Justice Committee organized a bake sale to raise money for the RIJ (Refugee International Japan)and Seisen schools worldwide, for a more optimized environment, and safety of all citizens. Juwon O. (10) shared, “So many people who came by our booth would chip in extra money, and people who didn’t even buy any goods donated money as well,” she added, “I think that all these small donations add up and that ends up making the biggest difference”. Even the smallest donations have the potential to make a huge difference in the money raised.

Although there were difficulties in postponing and managing the festival as a whole, Seisen was able to follow through with another success! We hope that students will continue carrying their curiosity to raise awareness about global issues and fundraise for charities in future events, and celebrate various cultures. 

Thank you to all, staff members, teachers, parents, organizers, and students with their continuous contributions to the Festival of Nations!

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