This month's theme is curiosity - but why does curiosity matter in a world of Siri and pre-packaged solutions?
Global-Mindedness and Intercultural Competencies
Seisen International School enables Global-Mindedness through its Mission and Learner Profile.
The promotion of global-mindedness at SIS is grounded in the teachings of Jesus Christ as embodied by the Catholic Church. Drawing upon our connection to the global network of international schools, and specifically those associated with the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, SIS recognises its role as a religious community enabling excellence in international education.
SIS Mission Statement
Seisen, a Catholic International School, educates future world citizens to become men and women for others and with others, in the spirit of Jesus Christ. Seisen’s mission is to provide a safe environment in order to empower each student, through shared responsibility, creativity, and human interdependence, to develop their unique talents and to become competent and compassionate players in our global society, capable of empowering others and of bringing hope and peace to our troubled world.
Global-Mindedness and Intercultural Competencies
Influenced by the principles of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and our School's Mission, the development of Global-Mindedness at Seisen International School is considered a community-shared responsibility which promotes the concept of human interdependence. It encourages our community to welcome and celebrate diversity, to revere creation, to participate in worldwide community-building, and to empower individuals to help bring peace to our ever-changing world.
SIS Definition of Global Perspectives
Our curriculum, learning and teaching explicitly identify and address local and global issues. Through developing inquiry-based and reflective practices, we consistently seek to encourage students to understand our mission of promoting greater equity, justice and fairness in the world. We encourage students to apply their knowledge and skills to be active participants in making the world a better place.
Revere and reverence:
As SIS we revere and reverence the spiritual traditions of other faiths while simultaneously enabling students to develop their beliefs and/or faiths. We revere and reverence the spiritual traditions of Christianity, while encouraging students and staff of other faiths to keep their spiritual affinities. We aim to encourage the appreciation of different faiths through respectful dialogue.
At SIS we promote understanding, communication and collaboration amongst people of diverse faiths, religious and cultural backgrounds and nationalities, through the study and appreciation of multiple forms of knowledge from across the globe and by a commitment to developing our students' ability to be multilingual.
At SIS we advocate for intercultural literacy through the encouragement given to students to speak many languages, both the ones that are explicitly taught in the curriculum (Japanese, French, Spanish and English), and also those that are spoken by students and staff of different nationalities, cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
At SIS we develop students’ knowledge, skills and dispositions to enable them to serve the local and global community in a manner guided by empathy, ingenuity, hope and peace.
Understand, embrace and seek
At SIS we understand, embrace and seek to empower equitable solutions to local and global issues of concern grounded in fair principles and a compassionate spirit.
At SIS we enable the empowerment of self and others to grow spiritually, intellectually, socially, emotionally and physically.
At SIS all members of the community in their awareness, sensitivity and competencies so that they may model and serve as facilitators of a spirit of global-mindedness and intercultural understanding.
GMIC Coordinator
James Hatch
Global-Mindedness Blog
Blog Posts
- Global Mindedness
- Skills
This month's theme is curiosity - but why does curiosity matter in a world of Siri and pre-packaged solutions?
As they begin 2024, many do so in trepidation as the challenges we face seem great. However, remembering that we are all 'in this' together may be the cornerstone of the mindset needed to solve our shared challenges.
- Global Mindedness
The goal of the webinar is for educators and students to leave with a sense of how pervasive human trafficking is and what we can be doing to prevent it through empowering students to take action in various ways through community organizing.
GM+IC Resources for Students
Welcome to the SIS GM+IC newsletter for students.
In this newsletter, you will find news items from across the globe. The focus will be on things that are not always popular on other news sources. Each edition will feature some articles and videos drawn from important stories across the globe.
Not only will you be able to stay up to date on global events, but you will also have ideas to chat with parents, friends and teachers.
For written stories, I will try to use Newsela where possible to set your reading level.
If you have a news story (written or visual) you want to share and is not well known, please pass it along, and I can include it in the next edition.
If you have any ideas for improving this newsletter, please let me know.
Many thanks
Mr Hatch