Campus Ministry

Seisen International School was founded by a community of Catholic Sisters, the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The School reflects the special identity and educational philosophy of the Sisters, while respecting common Judeo-Christian values and also embracing the spiritual wisdom of other religious traditions.


At Seisen, we foster a vibrant, faith-filled atmosphere where students can experience God’s love for each one of them and can grow into people who care for others and put that love into action.

We encourage students to develop a way of looking at the world like that of St. Raphaela, who discovered the presence of God in everything and everyone.


Following the examples of the Handmaids Sisters, the Religion Department, and indeed all faculty members, are involved in the pastoral care and spiritual growth of our students.

All students attend Religion classes that explore the different dimensions of Catholicism, Protestant Christianity, and World Religions.


Mass is celebrated for High School, Middle School and Elementary School each week. Different classes prepare and participate actively in the service. Several times a year, on important occasions, we have Mass for the whole school community.


Prayer plays an important role in life at Seisen. Every morning groups of students lead the whole school in prayer and set the tone for the day. The school chapel is open everyday for private prayer, liturgical singing and religious class activities.


Catholic students, together with their families, are prepared for the Sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation.

Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Yoga Convent)

Sister Concesa Martin

Sister Asuncion Lecubarri
Sister Mary Chi Nguyen
Sister Cecilia Takada
Sister Agnes Takahashi

Saint Raphaela Maria

Foundress of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Seisen Story in International Education is a story grounded in an educational philosophy of love and service as nurtured by the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the teachings of their Foundress, St Raphaela Mary.

The statue of St. Raphaela with a rare view of snow on sakura.

Saint Rafaela Porras Ayllón (1 March 1850 - 6 January 1925) was a Spanish Roman Catholic who established the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in conjunction with her sister; upon becoming a nun, she assumed the religious name of "María of the Sacred Heart of Jesus".

She was a nun for most of her life and devoted herself to the management of the congregation and resided in Rome until her death after her resignation as the order's superior in 1893.[1]

She was proclaimed to be Venerable on 13 May 1949 after Pope Pius XII recognized the fact that she had indeed lived a model and pious life of the heroic virtue that was required for the cause. The same pontiff presided over her beatification on 18 May 1952 after he approved two healings deemed to be miracles wrought from her direct intercession.

Rafaela Porras Ayllón. (2017, May 13). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 03:17, May 15, 2017, from