KPASS Vocal and Piano Solo & Ensemble Festival
  • Choral
  • HS
Marian Mine

The students who received gold or silver are invited to perform in our Student Recitals which will take place on Monday, 12/9 (High school) and Tuesday, 12/10 (Middle School) at the Nakamachi Fureai Hall.

On Saturday, November 9th, a group of dedicated vocalists and pianists went to ISSH to participate in the Solo & Ensemble Festival. Ensembles and soloists performed in front of judges, received direct feedback, and received ratings. There were over 60 students from Seisen who participated through performing in solos, duets, and ensembles. 

Congratulations to the following students/groups who received gold awards:

HS Vocal Ensemble, MS Vocal Ensemble, MYP Ensemble, Yua Iijima (solo & quartet), Emily Izukune (quartet), Moma Nishiura, Sae Obi and Rina Ogawa (duet), Sophia Hwang, Sara Yokoyama, Claire Chan and Risako Tai (piano duet), Remi Suzuki (piano solo)

The students who received gold or silver are invited to perform in our Student Recitals which will take place on Monday, 12/9 (High school) and Tuesday, 12/10 (Middle School) at the Nakamachi Fureai Hall.






























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KPASS Vocal and Piano Solo & Ensemble Festival

The students who received gold or silver are invited to perform in our Student Recitals which will take place on Monday, 12/9 (High school) and Tuesday, 12/10 (Middle School) at the Nakamachi Fureai Hall.

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