A culture of collaboration, problem-solving, empathy, respect, and open-mindedness.
We believe that the education of our students is based upon a partnership between the home and the school. We believe that effective communication between parents, students and the school is essential to the students' social and emotional well-being and academic success. English is the language of communication, instruction and inclusion for our community, but we will always value linguistic diversity. It is therefore essential that at least one parent can communicate in English with the school and can understand any written communication coming from the school or posted on the parent portal of the school website.
Joining the Seisen Community
Grounded in the Catholic Mission of our school, the faculty and staff at Seisen International School believes in a community that is supportive and inclusive of a diverse population of students.
Seisen International School encourages applications irrespective of the child or family member’s race, national origin, ethnic origin, sexual orientation,or religion.
Central to acceptance to attend Seisen International School as a family is the sincere support of our Mission as a Catholic International School.
We believe that all students have an equal right to a high-quality education.
The school strives to respond to the needs of individual students, within its resources. We work to achieve this by creating a culture of collaboration, problem-solving, empathy, respect and open-mindedness from the onset of the initial application process.
Admissions Policy
Seisen International School's Admissions Policy sets out the criteria for admitting students to the School.
Seisen International School exists primarily to meet the needs of expatriate families whose children require an English-speaking education and for whom, due to lack of local language acquisition, other schools may not be a viable option.
We are not a boarding facility and we do not sponsor student visas.
- Admissions at Seisen
- Criteria - Is Seisen the right community for your family?
- Kindergarten Admissions - Will my child meet requirements?
- Application Considerations - What is the prime consideration?
- Priority Acceptance - Which categories are considered first?
- Support - What are considerations for students in need of Language and /or Learning Support?
- Freedom of Access Considerations