Welcome Back to School August 2020

Sheila O'Donoghue

Dear Kindergarten Parents and Guardians,


A very warm welcome back to the beginning of our new school year.  We hope you all have had a restful summer. Never before have we been so excited to have your child/ren back in the classroom setting. We will do our utmost best to keep them safe and healthy while they are here in school with us. All students will be considered “new” and they will need to be given time to reconnect and feel comfortable before any learning can happen. The social-emotional wellbeing is what we will work on from day one. Teachers will spend one-on-one time with each student to strengthen this important relationship. To help us achieve this, could you kindly have your child bring a sample of work completed over the past few months or maybe a drawing, a picture, or a favourite book to share and talk about on returning to school in August. We will display their work, which will encourage them to talk about what they are feeling and help them share their stories. 


We have some staff changes this school year replacing the teachers who moved on at the end of the school year. We would like to welcome Ms. Katelyn Boyle as class teacher in Bluebell. We are happy to have Ms. Mohita Mansingh who previously worked in Daffodil, take over as class teacher in Primrose. We welcome Ms. Sanita Surrao to the Daffodil class and we are also happy to welcome back Ms. Lisa Toyofuku to the Marigold afternoon class. We wish them all the best in their new positions.


Please do take some time to read about the items needed to help prepare you and your child for the start of the 2020-2021 school year. We will continue to follow a 6 Day Cycle like the rest of the school, so please look carefully at your child’s schedule so you know what is happening on each day. Please understand that all specialist classes will happen but in a very different way in order to allow social distancing and to maintain the well-being of all the students. Schedules will be given to you later.


Usually, we have a Parent Orientation Day the day before we start school to explain to you what our goals are for your child for the year. This format will not happen this year. However, before the school year starts we will give all parents an opportunity to visit your child’s class and meet with the teachers. We will assign individual times and dates for each parent to visit classrooms. This will also give you an opportunity to purchase t-shirts and shorts from the KG office. Also, we will post the Orientation slideshow on the class blogs and on the portal of the website for your perusal on this day. 


Officially, the first day of school will be on Wednesday, August 26th. Remember, however, that August 26th is not the first day for all new students starting with us at Seisen. We have staggered later dates for all new students and this includes the Buttercup students. You will receive a slip with an individual starting date. This allows us to give each child more attention. The first day for students in the Buttercup Class is August 27th. 


ID Badges: In accordance with Seisen International School’s mission which is to provide a safe environment for each student, Seisen Kindergarten will continue to issue photo identification badges for all parents and guardians for the school year 2020-2021. The ID must be worn when entering the Seisen Kindergarten premises at all times. If for some reason you forget your badge, kindly let the Kindergarten office know before going to the classroom. 


Summer Uniform and PE days: For the whole month of September, your child/ren can come to school in a summer uniform. This consists of a Seisen Montessori t-shirt with either navy or maroon shorts. At any time your child can wear their standard uniform if they so wish. There is one exception to this on September 17th, when all the children are asked to wear standard uniform for the Yearbook photos.

These shorts can be purchased from the Nissen catalogue and we do have some for sale in the KG office. You may know of other shops where these shorts can be purchased.

For PE in the wintertime: Montessori sweat shirt and navy only sweatpants. 


Face Masks will now be part of the uniform for all students from 3 years and above. 

We would like to ask you to put a photo of your child’s face on their summer uniform. This will help all the children see what their friends look like as they cannot see through the masks. Kindly talk to your child/ren as to why they need to wear a mask.


As this hot weather continues, keeping the children cool and safe for the first few weeks of school will be our priority. You can help us by providing a water bottle/thermos and a cap for your child. We will be encouraging the children at all times to drink more water and will be providing ‘isotonic/sport’s drink for the first month of school. On the very, very hot days, playtime may have to be shortened or in some cases we may have to have indoor recess. You may also want to put some sunscreen on your child before coming to school but I kindly ask you not to send the bottle of sunscreen lotion with your child. Each class will have their own scheduled playtime.

We ask that the girls wear ‘short spats’ under their standard uniform from October 1st. 

Good nutrition is an integral part of the Montessori/PYP curriculum. We encourage children to bring nutritious lunches made up of protein, fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grain bread sandwiches, rice and healthy milk products. We discourage items with lots of sugar, including soft drinks.

Please remember to pack lunches in a container that can be opened by your child independently. Have your child practice opening all lunch items BY THEMSELVES before coming to school.

Keep in mind that there is a total ban on nuts and Konnyaku Jelly for the whole Kindergarten.

The school provides a snack for all the children which they will be able to eat during the morning at their convenience. This snack is individually wrapped.


Please arrive at school on time! We ask that students be in their classroom by 8:30am. The Kindergarten door opens at 8:15 and there will always be a teacher on duty to welcome your child. This school year we are asking parents to say goodbye to your child at the Kindergarten side gate. There will always be a teacher to help guide your child safely into the building. We will then follow the procedure outlined in the last document. They will wash their hands outside, line-up social distancing for a temperature check before entering the building.  Buttercup parents will be allowed into the building. If any child is very upset or having a difficult time, we will most certainly ask for your help. We will greet your child with a wave or a finger heart and they can do likewise.


For afternoon dismissal both the KG and ES will coordinate times for siblings. We ask that you take your child home immediately following pick-up time from the campus.


We are encouraging and helping your child at all times to become more responsible and independent so always allow your child to carry his/her belongings to and from school.

The more your child can do by herself/himself the safer it is going to be for everyone especially in these uncertain times.


List of items needed for the first day of school:

  • A healthy lunch 

  • Thermos of water ( can be refilled in school)

  • Sun cap 

  • Face mask (2-extra one for after lunch)

  • Lightweight blanket for nap-time in a drawstring cloth bag-labeled (only for three-year olds in the extended afternoon Marigold class and the Buttercup class)

  • Complete change of clothes-underwear/socks/shirt/pants/shorts-all clearly labeled.

  • Indoor shoes which are kept at school (crocs/sandals without backs are not acceptable indoor shoes).

  • Medical and follow-up forms must be submitted by all students.

In light of the new norm, we are striving to think of better ways to protect the children from COVID-19 everyday.

If possible, please update your childrens’ lunch boxes to ones that are easier for them to use without help.

↓These are HARDER to open. Please have your child PRACTICE opening/closing these. If teachers help your child open/close it, teachers will be touching a lot of your child’s things, especially where their mouth will touch.


    ↓These are EASIER to open. If teachers help your child open it, teachers will not be putting their hands on parts that will go in your child’s mouth.



Please let us know if you have any questions, thoughts, or information you would like to share with us as we work together to create a positive experience for your child.


We can only do this safely with your help in following the guidelines outlined in the previous document. Be very mindful if any member of your family has been on a recent overseas trip to follow the quarantine guidelines for the whole family. Never be tempted to put any of our little ones in harm's way by not following the right protocol. We really truly trust that you will do the right thing and thank you in advance for this great partnership.


Looking forward to a calm and fruitful year ahead. Thank you always for your understanding and support.




Sheila O’Donoghue

Kindergarten Principal




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