Where we are in place and time 'History' unit of inquiry commences

Where we are in place and time 'History' unit of inquiry commences
  • Grade 1
Serrin Smyth

As we launch our new Grade 1 unit of inquiry, Where we are in place and time: 'History', students will inquire into the central idea: 'Learning about our history helps us understand the present'. They will be investigating: 

  • Ways to discover the past and present (connection, history)

  • Ways lifestyles (family, family responsibilities, work, dress, manners, games) have changed or stayed the same over time (change, significance)

  • How the past can help us understand the present (perspective, time)

As a way of igniting curiosity and encouraging creative questioning, students became 'Historians' and observed historical items. Students viewed toys, technology, clothes, photos, yearbooks, artifacts and film from the past. 










 What can you do at home to connect with learning about History? 

SOLO Taxonomy and Word Vocabulary List

This parent version of the SOLO taxonomy may support you to have discussions with your child by asking some of the guiding questions. The questions develop across the SOLO from a shallow understanding where factual knowledge is developed to a more deeper understanding where conceptual understandings are formulate. The Vocabulary Lists are a guide for the possible vocabulary that may be explored throughout the unit of inquiry. It is encouraged that you explain and explore the words within this list with your child in their mother tongue. Perhaps you may talk about the concept of some of the words in English and also in your home language in order to deepen their understanding of them.

IDEA: You might explore the question: How can we find out about our personal family history? 

IDEA: Share - Are there any documented photos from your family history you could show your child? What questions might they have about these photos?

IDEA: Create a family tree together with your child - here are some ideas of how to get started: https://supersimple.com/article/the-family-tree-tips-reasons-to-make-your-own/


Additionally, if you see your child taking action as a result of their learning at school, we would LOVE to hear about it! As action is often taken outside of the learning environment, we often don't know about these opportunities that you as parents are witness to, even a short email telling us about something your child did or said at home as a result of their learning helps us know how the PYP is supporting the development of life long learners that take action!

Please contact our PYP Coordinator (ssmyth@seisen.com) or your daughter's homeroom teacher.

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