PYP Exhibition Update - Interviews, Research, Data

PYP Exhibition Update - Interviews, Research, Data
  • Grade 5
Serrin Smyth

Previous Blog Post sharing the PYP Exhibition journey prior to the Spring Break:

Students are well into the investigation stage of the PYP Exhibition and have been researching by considering:

1. What questions do I have around my topic?

2. Where will I source this information?

Students used a MISO chart to consider where they might gather this information from:

What articles can I read to help answer my questions? (M - Media) Who might I interview to become more knowledgable? (I - Interview) Would a survey help me to gather data on my topic? (S - Survey) Where might I go to learn more through observation? (O - Observation)

Field Trips on the Holidays! 

Where might I go to learn more through observation? (O - Observation)

We must say a heartwarming thank you to our parent community. Thank you for supporting the students learning by extending themselves outside of the classroom in the wonderful learning opportunities that took place over the break. We are extremely grateful to have such passionate parents supporting the process of Exhibition, which is truly a community effort. 

Interviews within the Seisen Community

Who might I interview to become more knowledgable? (I - Interview)

Through the collation of a list of experts within our community, students self selected someone they wanted to interview on their topics to become more knowledgeable. Again, we are so incredibly grateful for our Seisen staff, parents, and colleagues of parents who have given their time and thoughts into answering questions from the Exhibition Groups. 

Developing Surveys 

Would a survey help me to gather data on my topic? (S - Survey)

Some Exhibition groups have developed surveys to collect data on the perspectives of their issue within our community:


What articles can I read to help answer my questions? (M - Media)

Students begin the process of connecting their ideas within their groups by the ongoing development of researching case studies in order to strengthen their understanding of the concepts they are researching: 

Beginning to Plan for Action!

In Religion class, students looked at the different forms of action there are:

They thought about which forms of action may have low impact to high impact and which forms of action are easier or harder to accomplish:

Why do we take action?

When asked: Why do we take action, what is the point of action? 

Students responded with these ideas:

- to teach

- to influence and motivate people

- to raise awareness

- show sportsmanship

- to encourage others to help

- it's about preparing for the future and changing the future in front of us

- to help

- to learn and try new things

- to interest people

- to grow relationships and friendships with people, countries, governments and the world

- to prevent someone bad

- to make a difference

Students were provoked and inspired by the many ways students have taken action on their learning in the past:

Students listening to a Podcast developed by Grade 5 students last year: 

They begin the ideation stage of thinking about the different ways they could possibly take action, how they can develop a low impact action idea into a high impact action idea, and how they can connect and therefore implement multiple forms of action together.  


Learning Principle 7:  Learning is enhanced when learners exercise voice, choice and action.

Students identify when they are ready to conference with a teacher and what they would like the conference with the teacher to focus on:

As students are now all working at many different stage of their inquiry, they develop what their personal schedule might look like for the week in order to achieve their own and their groups goals:

Continuing to reflect on the approaches to learning and their application of these throughout the week: 

Where to next?

Week 7 & Week 8 PYPX checkpoints for the weeks ahead:

(With an understanding that all groups are at different stages of their inquiry journey, the checkpoints provide a general overview of where they might be at.)


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