Serrin Smyth
Our PYP Exhibition Journey
Connecting Ideas - Going Further
An Exhibition group, focusing on Creativity, conducted a 'Creativity Test' on KG, ES, HS students and teachers.
They then analyzed the results to see if they could determine if age plays a factor in creativity.
Students connect their ideas between research by using different graphic organisers, such as a flow chart. Through the connecting ideas stage we begin to see what elements of research we are missing.
Students continue to grow their understanding through a range of field trips.
As a way to synthesize the information that students have research through articles, interviews and experiments, students will develop a group infographic with the purpose of educating others others. The infographic will include a text features which highlight how their information has been compiled, such as a cause & effect chart, a timeline, a flow chart or a T chart. They will offer feedback to each other and reflect on the feedback offered to them in order to strengthen their design. The groups will need to establish the self management skills that can help them to complete this, such as assigning roles.
Students look at a model infographic to analyse key features and develop success criteria for developing their own infographic to share their knowledge.
The drafting stage beginnings...
After drafting, getting feedback, the design stage beginnings - students are collaboratively using Canva to build their infographics.
In preparation for sharing our learning with the community, and as a way of taking action, students prepared an interactive workshop for the audience.
Students engaged in an interactive workshop given by Ms Smyth and compared how Mr Matt & Ms Smyth included these elements within their workshops - a hook, audience engagement, an interactive activity for participation, and finally a take away.
Workshop planning and rehearsals commence...
PYP Exhibition Celebration - 28th April
Students shared their learning with our Seisen Community, other PYP schools in Tokyo and St Mary's.
Congratulations Grade 5 on your PYP Exhibition!