Technology and Learning

Technology and Learning
Eric Usher

Learning in the Age of Technology

It comes as no surprise that integrating technology into teaching and learning has become a central feature of the modern classroom. Learning under the shadow of COVID has made even clearer the value of technological tools and skills. Students and teachers continue to find impressive new ways to leverage technology as we adapt to new circumstances. Let's take a closer look at some of the ways in which we are working together to make the best use of technology to support learning in the MYP.

Learning is enhanced when we use technology responsibly. (SIS Learning Principle #4)

Earlier in the school year, teachers and students took time to consider practical implications of this learning principle:

Sample of Teacher Ideas

Sample of Student Ideas



The examples above begin to reveal how valuable technology can be in supporting the development of ATL skills. Our ATL framework includes the specific indicator, “makes effective and appropriate use of technology systems” under information literacy skills, but the open endedness of that descriptor suggests that research is only one of many applications of technology.  Responsible use of technology opens avenues for communication and collaboration that would not otherwise be possible. The student comments above show evidence of their realization that technology supports organization and self-management, and give some indication that they feel empowered to take initiative (ownership of their learning - Learning Principle #2). Teachers continue to look for ways to help students harness technology to support their critical and creative thinking.

Developing Students’ IT Skills

With so much evidence to suggest that indeed Learning is enhanced when we use technology responsibly, we want to ensure that all students have the opportunity to maximize their development of IT skills. In support of that goal, significant work is progressing on the development of an IT skills continuum through middle and high school. The intent of this continuum is to capture where in the curriculum students are expected to use - and are explicitly taught - skills across fives domains:

  • Investigating

  • Digital Citizenship

  • Organizing

  • Creating

  • Collaborating and Communicating

These domains encompass nearly 200 individual skills, a total that reinforces how essential technology has become to learning. We appreciate how valuable technology has been in the adjustments we have had to make to new circumstances, and look forward to working together to continue to refine and develop new skills that will serve students well in the years ahead.

tech cover

Marialety, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons


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Eric Usher

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