Students at the Center

Students at the Center
Eric Usher

A New Year: Diving Deeper into the MYP

Celebrating a Milestonecongrats

The 2021-22 school year represented a milestone in our implementation of the Middle Years Programme at SIS. The class of 2024 became the first cohort to complete the Programme, setting a fantastic standard for the Personal Project along the way.

Starting the New School Year Well

The SIS Learning Principles continue to guide us in our efforts to create learning environments that maximize all students’ opportunities for success. As this new school year begins we have been directing students’ attention to three of those principles in particular, believing them to be key to students starting the year with the right outlook.


PRINCIPLE #3: Learning is enhanced when approached with a growth mindset.

Each year presents fresh opportunities for growth. Students who see their own potential put themselves in the best position to take advantage of those opportunities.


PRINCIPLE #2: Learning is enhanced within an inquiry cycle that fosters a love and ownership of learning.

We are always fighting the temptation to sit back and simply receive information. Those who instead engage in the learning journey through genuine inquiry develop a sense of ownership that leads to learning that lasts.


PRINCIPLE #8: Learning is enhanced when learners exercise voice, choice, and action.

Our classrooms and other learning spaces are gradually evolving into places where students have more choice about how they approach and demonstrate their learning. The input (voice) of the learners is vital to creating a successful climate in the classroom. This year we are engaging in a year-long effort to explore more opportunities for students to take action on their learning as well.


In order for students to embrace the three learning principles highlighted above, they will need our support in developing the Approaches to Learning skills of communication and initiative.


In the process of developing a growth mindset, a love and ownership of learning, and the courage necessary to exercise voice, choice and action, our students will also be growing as Principled Inquirers, Communicators, and Risk-Takers, key attributes of all learners at SIS.  





We look forward to supporting and celebrating this progress throughout this year.


Calendar Updates

  • Parent Day - Intro to the MYP Parent Session - September 19, 2022

    • During Parent Day on Monday the 19th, we will run an in-person session for parents and guardians. This webinar is designed to provide Grade 6 parents and any new parents with a clearer picture of the design and objectives of the MYP framework.

  • 2022-23 Personal Project Exhibition

    • Please note a date change for our Grade 10 Personal Project Exhibition. The new date for this important event is February 21, 2023.

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Eric Usher

As with all subjects in the MYP, the Mathematics curriculum framework is designed to take students beyond memorization of content into deeper conceptual understanding and the building of skills that will transfer across other disciplines and into their future math studies.

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