MYP Personal Project - Up and Running

MYP Personal Project - Up and Running
Eric Usher
Personal Project diagram

The Class of 2024 are taking their first steps toward completing the culminating MYP activity, the Personal Project. They have submitted their preliminary ideas and this week were matched up with individual supervisors who will support their learning throughout the process.

As a whole, students have embraced the opportunity to take ownership of their own learning, embarking on a wide range of projects. Some of the projects involve learning new skills, others involve physical or virtual creations, and several include a service focus. Along the way students will be identifying and developing learning skills (ATL) that they can transfer into the independent projects they will engage with throughout their adult lives.

The Personal Project is designed to be the crowning achievement of each student's MYP journey. During Grade 10 they will have weekly time dedicated to progressing on their projects, with an opportunity to share their learning and results in an Exhibition in the Spring of 2022.

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Eric Usher

As with all subjects in the MYP, the Mathematics curriculum framework is designed to take students beyond memorization of content into deeper conceptual understanding and the building of skills that will transfer across other disciplines and into their future math studies.

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