Tips to hit the ground running as a DP year 1 or year 2 student

Dean Bevan

At the beginning of the school year, it can be difficult to motivate yourself to study. Unfortunately unlike other programs, in DP there is never really any down time.  Therefore it is essential that you return to school ready to work.

Tip 1: Focus on your ‘reasons why’

Keeping your bigger goals in sight can help you get motivated again! Focusing on how doing the IB will help you get you to where you want to go will give you a reason to get the work done. 

Tip 2: The power of the Post-it note

When you write something down on a piece of paper you are making a commitment to do it. Post-it notes will remind, move, and motivate you to do what needs to be done. Even if you don’t cross everything off your list you will have accomplished something by doing just one thing. This will boost your self esteem and help you be productive.

Tip 3: The DP Handbook

Click on it. Open it. Then read it.
It contains information and links to everything you need to know from IA procedures, submission dates, exam schedules, procedures if work is submitted late or plagiarized and lots, lots more!

Tip 4: Set up a dedicated study space

Going for a “study-sesh” in Starbucks after school is probably not going to be very productive. Create designated ‘work’ space that is separate from wherever you watch relax. You need to separate school and home. It’s easy to lose motivation when you feel like work is taking over everything.

Tip: 5 Contact your teachers. 

If you are struggling or there is an issue contact the subject teacher sooner rather than later. If the issue is of a personal nature contact the school counsellor, DP Coordinator or the Administration depending on who you feel comfortable speaking to.


Mr Dean Bevan

Diploma Coordinator

Seisen International School

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