- Grade 12
- Parent Information
Dear Students, Parents and Guardians of the Class of 2022,
Seisen will hold its DP Mock Exams over the next two weeks and in preparation for them, I held an information session on the conduct of DP exams last Friday. IB regulations regarding the exams are very thorough and the mock exams will be held in accordance with those rules. Part of the purpose of mock exams is to give students the experience of a DP exam setting which is explained HERE.
In case of absence due to sickness during the mock exams, as a school we can reschedule as necessary; however, this is not the case for the real DP exams in May. The IB has stated:
“As we work together in our plans for the May 2022 session, the IB expects schools to make all reasonable efforts to administer the examinations. We also recognize there will be circumstances that prevent the administration of exams, or that students may need to quarantine at short notice, and in those cases, the IB will use the developed procedure to award grades without exams as a contingency measure. The IB realizes that each student or school will be in a unique situation and has measures available to ensure that each candidate is awarded grades.”
The “developed procedure” they are referring to is the non-examination route where a student with Covid or isolating with Covid would be awarded final examination results based on predicted grades collected by me in April and student performance on Internal Assessments.
Please note that predicted grades will have no impact on the final grade of any student taking the examination route. Last year we held the exams without any problems. This year we have not had to close grade 12 due to any Covid related issues due to our grade 12 students and families adhering to Covid protocols. I am very confident that the exams will proceed as normal this year.
IB Diploma Coordinator Mr, Dean Bevan meets with all Grade 12 students.
There are a variety of things that could happen at a national or individual level between now and the exams so I have tried to anticipate these and provide answers as best I can in this document.
The last two years have taught all of us to be flexible so it would surprise me if the IB releases additional information as we approach the exams. I will always keep you fully informed of any new developments.
Upcoming Webinar
In March I will hold an “ask me anything” webinar with grade 12 parents to alleviate any concerns or provide missing clarity.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Many thanks,
Mr. Bevan