IA Tip 1: Start early!
By starting your write up process soon after you finish doing your research, you keep it all fresh in your mind. It’s very easy to forget crucial details after a few weeks. The same applies to writing up any formal feedback you have had from your teacher on your draft.
Starting early and making timely revisions after you receive feedback means that you can avoid panic-writing before the deadline.
IA Tip 2: Build momentum!
There’s no requirement for you to write the sections in order! Starting with the section that you are most confident with. Before you know it you’ll be checking off parts of your to-do list which will raise morale and build momentum.
IA Tip 3: Cite as you go…….. Not at the end!
Don’t be that person who leaves all their citations to the very end. It never ever takes "only an hour or so" to fix up the mess of links and notes you have generated on the way. Those who do this end up with poor citations, meaning lost marks and potentially academic integrity issues. Dedicate 10 to 15 minutes at the end of every writing session on fixing up your citations.
IA Tip 4: If in doubt ask…..
If you are not sure about something ask your teacher. The worst and most demoralizing thing you can do is go off on a tangent that is either inappropriate or inaccurate. This is your first time through the DP, but not your teachers so utilize them.