CAS is Underway for DP Students!

CAS is Underway for DP Students!
  • Core: Community Activity, Service
  • Grade 11
Shantelle Kotowich -CAS Coordinator

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting with both Grade 11 and 12 students about CAS.

The grade 12 students told me about some of the things they did over the summer related to CAS, and about the things they plan to do this year in order to meet the requirements of the program. There are excellent ideas being set in motion for service events, sporting events, and other worthwhile activities. I’m sure the Seisen community is looking forward to seeing and experiencing CAS in action from our Grade 12 students this year!

CAS at Seisen

Grade 11 underwent a whole afternoon of orientation where they learned all about the CAS program and started thinking about what they might do for each strand of Creativity, Activity, and Service. Here’s some of the things they had to say about the year ahead:

  • I am excited to pursue my own personal interests while working on school work.
  • To be able to spend time on something I've always been interested in doing but have never actually taken the time to do.
  • Being able to track my progress in the extracurriculars that I am working on right now.
  • I am excited to create goals and to achieve them.
  • I'm excited to see how I can start new things or advance the things I've been working on to make an impactful experience.
  • I am excited for the creativity part because I am involved in things that require that.
  • I am excited about getting to try new things that I have never had the opportunity to try. I am also excited about getting to collaborate with my peers who have similar interests on the CAS Project.
  • To try and reach out more to the local community.
  • I am excited to see my personal growth throughout the course of 2 years.
  • Being able to have a reason to move my body and relief myself from academic stress with the IBDP
  • I’m excited to deepen my interests as well as finding new interests through the CAS experiences and projects.
  • We wish all of our DP students the best experience as they navigate through their CAS programs. 

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