During our online learning period, our amazing Grade 2 teachers inspire our students and provide models of how to demonstrate their learning through video. They modeled the techniques the students could try in developing their own educational movie.
Our Grade 2 students have created their own educational video calling people to take action for our marine ecosystems! The students explored an inquiry question they were interested in finding more information about. They created these videos to share their knowledge and to encourage others to take action in helping marine ecosystems!
The Grade 2 teachers hosted a Movie Premiere for students last week, where students watched the videos together. They were asked to think about something they had learnt from the movie, something they enjoyed and how this movie had inspired them to take action in some way. This strategy was used to encourage peer to peer feedback and students then went into Seesaw to write this feedback for others on their posts.
We encourage you to visit Seesaw, view the students educational videos and leave some feedback and your thoughts about the creative approaches they took to develop these inspiring videos!