Moving from the research stage into the creative element of Exhibition...
Students have continued to develop their inquiries by creating their own SOLO Taxonomy. You will see they have been designing how they can move from having one idea/many ideas to connecting ideas and finally going further. They have been considering what they will do, what they will collect as evidence and how they will document their learning throughout this process.
Additionally, students have set goals of the approaches to learning they wish to develop further throughout their Exhibition journey.
This week, students completed the development of their surveys to gather data from the Seisen Community in relation to their topics. Students only designed a surveyed if it was a pertinent way of gathering information towards their central ideas. Other students are conducting interviews, making observations, attending virtual field trips or reading articles to help them answer their inquiry questions.
On Monday, 110 Exhibition students and teachers gathered to explore possible options as they move into the creative element of their Exhibition. At this particular part of the process, students will interpret their understandings by drawing conclusions through a creative element to present to their audience.
Link to presentation of ideas for creative pieces
Students sorted action as a way of engaging with possibilities they might consider for how they may take action on the knowledge they are gaining.
Some students have started to take personal action in their own context. Here is an example of a student encouraging her family to take action on their personal use of technology. She has been documenting their process along the way and how the challenge has been for them emotionally.
Next week, a range of teachers will be offering workshops to support and inspire the students with the elements they are creating. We can't WAIT to see where their learning journey heads next!
Miss Smyth