Grade 3 students have spent the last few weeks online engaging with different learning experiences to develop their understanding of how "The design of structures depends on environmental factors and available materials."
The students final challenge was a collaborative challenge with Mr. G, our ICT integration coach. Students were invited to become an engineer, to come up with a new bridge for the city of Tokyo that is able to handle high winds and earthquakes. They had to decide on the best materials for the design based on what they could find at home and then test it using things found around their house to imitate a natural disasters.
Students have uploaded their exceptionally creative final piece bridges on Google Classroom...
After testing their bridges and making changes to their designs, students reflected on their learning from the unit. They considered what their prior thinking was before the experience, their thinking after the experience and the pillars between their learning and what helped them to cross the bridge and develop their understanding around this unit.
As this unit draws to an end, students have begun to tune back into their Sharing the planet - Plants unit of inquiry which began earlier in the school year...
Students will continue exploring the central idea Plant diversity can affect the wellbeing of people and other living things. This involves investigating and exploring conditions plants need to grow, the interrelationship between plants and other living things and the importance of plant diversity.
Below you will find links to the SOLO Taxonomy and Vocabulary Lists for Grades 3 that were shared earlier in the year. It is important to note that in alignment with the Enhanced PYP, students may develop the SOLO taxonomy by co-constructing this with their teachers. This is to provide students with agency - choice, voice and ownership throughout the process of their learning. Therefore the SOLO co-constructed by students may look slightly different this one. This learning progression and vocabulary list is developed so you can support your daughter's learning at home.
How can I use the SOLO at home?
You will see a row underneath the possible assessment criteria titled 'Possible questions to discuss'. These are teacher guided questions that help to direct the unit of inquiry. You may wish to use these questions to begin a conversation with your chid about their unit of inquiry at home.
How can I use the Vocabulary Lists at home?
The Vocabulary Lists are a guide for the possible vocabulary that may be explored throughout the unit of inquiry. It is encouraged that you explain and explore the words within this list with your child in their mother tongue. Perhaps you may talk about the concept of some of the words in English and also in your home language in order to deepen their understanding of them.
STP - Plants Word Vocabulary List
If you have any experience or expertise with the content of these units of inquiry, we would love to hear from you! Please contact our PYP Coordinator ( or your daughter's homeroom teacher.