60 Years and counting ...Rebels to the fore!

60 Years and counting ...Rebels to the fore!
  • Global Mindedness
James Hatch

Soon SIS will celebrate its 60th anniversary. As a leader in women’s education, the timing could not be more fortuitous. Globally, women’s education has suffered significantly both from the impact of Covid-19 and the rise of national governments with policies detrimental to women’s progress. In other places, women’s rights, safety,  freedom of expression, and other human rights witness declining standards. Indeed barely twenty years into the 21st century, and arguably, women’s rights have not been in such a precarious state for generations.

Even among international schools, women occupy approximately 20% of leadership roles. This, despite almost 80% of staff being female. Thus the challenges remain great; however, SIS and the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus continue to be voices of hope and people of action.

Whether leading their schools across the globe, working with the Church in Rome or heading up NGOs such as UNANIMA, the sisters continue to forge a path for women, their rights and their education. Yet, such counter-mainstream living is foundational to the Handmaids; indeed, it has been part of their DNA since their inception. Their founder, St. Raphaela Maria Porras, was a rebel. Born into a comfortable family, she defied family members to enter the covenant; she also defied her local Bishop, who believed a woman’s role was to serve, not provide schools for girls, especially impoverished girls. She fought him, crossed the border into another archdiocese and proceeded to meet the educational needs of such girls and, by extension, their communities. That she was doing this in the 1870s in a highly conservative, patriarchial and socially stratified society is remarkable.

From her story emerges a symbol of hope, perseverance and a need to question social norms and expectations if they lead to a better life for others. So, as we gather as a community to celebrate the 60th anniversary, let us not forget that her vision and commitment run through our DNA.

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