University Visits Help Students Plan for the Future

University Visits Help Students Plan for the Future
  • High School
Awing Lui

First University Visit of 2021-2022

On Thursday September 2, Boston University held an online information session to the Seisen high school students during lunch time. The session was very well attended. Students were able to find out what Boston University was like and the opportunities they offer including academics, internships and research. Boston University also provided updates on the requirements, application process and scholarships they offer. Boston University is a SAT optional school and around 50% of the students who were admitted in fall 2021 did not submit SAT scores. This could change in the future for Grades 9 and 10.

Stay up to date on future University Visits 

Students and parents are highly encouraged to attend online university information sessions. All visits (in school or outside of school) are published on the 'University Visit' calendar. You may either subscribe to the calendar or find out the details on the Seisen app. 

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Awing Lui
Academic and Higher Education Advisor

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