Passion for singing, dancing, songwriting, and song production energizes emerging artist

Passion for singing, dancing, songwriting, and song production energizes emerging artist
  • Arts
  • High School
Douglas Brittain

I remember the first time I saw my favorite and the artist I idolize the most: Ariana Grande, performing her song "Problem" at the iHeartRadio Awards. That's when it hit me—I wanted to be a performing artist just like her.

Artist Introduction:

Sophia Migdalski Grade 11.


Artistic passion: 

My artistic passion is singing, dancing, songwriting, and song production.

How old were you when you started?

I started professional training at 13. 

How did you start and become interested in your art?

My family's quite artistic. Both my parents are big music lovers, so music was always a part of my upbringing. My mom, my uncle (from my dad's side), and even my grandfather (also from my dad's side) are all singers, so you can imagine the musical atmosphere at home. Naturally, I got drawn into that side of things.

I also used to do ballet, performing at recitals. It was through those experiences that I realized just how much I enjoy being on stage and performing for others.

I remember the first time I saw my favorite and the artist I idolize the most: Ariana Grande, performing her song "Problem" at the iHeartRadio Awards. That's when it hit me—I wanted to be a performing artist just like her.

How long have you been engaging in your art?

I’ve been engaging in music since I was 3 years old. 

I used to sing along to Disney songs while watching Disney Channel.

How often do you practice, and where?

I practice almost every day. 

I practice dance at Major Dance Studio and singing at Avex Artist Academy. 

What type of events are you involved with?

I've had numerous opportunities to participate in concerts and collaborate on music writing and production with various professional artists.

How successful have you been?

I feel like at my age I’ve been very successful with all of what I am doing. 

For example, a song I released just last year was aired on the radio station called InterFM [Sensor] and is almost at 10,000 steams on Spotify, I co-wrote and helped produce a song called "Honey Venom" for a girl group called "Shorty!" in February.

What challenges have you faced?

As someone who has auditioned for various labels and agencies in the past, I often found myself comparing my abilities to those of other emerging artists. This constant comparison made it challenging for me to have more confidence in my performance.

Please share some words of advice for budding artists:

Honestly, the key is to just be yourself and enjoy the moment. When you're having fun and being genuine on stage, whether you're singing or engaging in any other activity, the audience will naturally have a good time watching you. It all begins with your mindset, so have confidence in yourself and stay true to your passion.

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