Remembering Sister Clementina Maria Gimenez

Remembering Sister Clementina Maria Gimenez
Colette Rogers

Dear Seisen International School Community,

It is with deep sadness that I share the news of the passing Saturday, May 6th of Sister Clementina María Giménez.

Sr Clementina worked as a faculty member at the Seisen University in Gotanda. Her retirement years were spent at the Yoga convent and she helped out in the main office for a few years. Originally from Spain, Sr Clementina had a deep love and respect for Japan and its people. She was a frequent audience member at Fine Arts events and the religious events our students participated in. She recently was a member of the audience for the tri-school musical and attended the First Communion ceremony and celebration a few weeks ago. She took great joy and pride in the accomplishments of our students from KG to Grade 12.

The Funeral Mass for Sr Clementina was held on Monday, May 8th in our School Chapel. 

Please keep Sr Clementina and the Sisters of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in your prayers at this sad time.

Ad Finem Fidelis,
Colette Rogers
Head of School

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