Internship Report: Xinyue Ma at 24Karat

Internship Report: Xinyue Ma at 24Karat
  • High School
  • Parent's Association (SPA)
Xinyue Ma (Class of 2022)

During the summer of 2022, a number of Seisen students were able to complete an internship that was offered by Seisen parents. These internships lasted between two weeks to seven weeks. On behalf of the students and the school I would like to sincerely thank them for their generosity and giving our students such a great opportunity to learn about the real world of work.

This past summer, I was granted the opportunity to work with Seth and Masaki’s team at 24karat. This emerging start-up focuses on a niche market – how brands can utilize the distinguishing functionalities of NFTs to bolster their communities. For a geographical location that is comparatively unexposed to the boom of Web3 technologies, there was admittedly a steep learning curve at the beginning. But the executive team made it an utmost priority to dedicate time for the interns to sufficiently research on NFTs from the ground up.

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Once the interns became well-versed with Web3 language, we were each given the autonomy to imagine how we personally believed NFTs could aid business goals. Through this, I embarked on a journey to conduct qualitative interviews at thrift shops, pitch potential market entries, and designed a new community using 24karat’s technology. 

Not many students can pinpoint what their career trajectories lie, during, or straight out of high school. Thus, I believe it is important to be open-minded and try to touch as many roles and industries as possible. At the minimum, you will have practiced transferable professional communication, and gained knowledge in the internship area. At the ideal maximum, you will not only have gained communication and knowledge, but also have discovered something you can cultivate in your career later on. 

My personal experience at 24karat has been very fruitful. I ended the internship with a newfound appreciation for the sheer potential for Web3 technologies. I was also able to leverage this experience for club applications at university. Now, I am in a tech entrepreneurship club with the possibility of creating a start-up using blockchain technologies. I am very appreciative of the learning environment 24karat fostered, and for Ms. Lui for the opportunity! 

Our Higher Education Advisor Ms. Awing Lui is continuously looking for opportunities for our students. If you are able to offer anything to our students in the future and have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact her at 

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