Aviation Industry Internship Introduces Students to New Field

Aviation Industry Internship Introduces Students to New Field
  • High School
Awing Lui

January 30, 2023

Over the winter break, 5 of our HS students attended a short 3 day internship at Universal Aviation

Please read what they have learned from this wonderful opportunity!

From Miyuki Maeda (Grade 12) 

Although it was a short 3 day internship, it was a period of great learning, and valuable experience for all of us who were given the opportunity to get a deeper insight of the aviation industry. The staff members guided us through several aspects of their workplaces at Universal Aviation with kindness and patience, and introduced us to the various components that help facilitate the industry. These include services such as catering, ground transportation, baggage handling, passenger lounges, and many more. We were also given access to restricted areas like the ramp area, where we observed the landings of a few private jets from Canada and Milan, and spoke to some of the cabin crews about their experiences in the aircraft. 

This internship has allowed me to gain further knowledge about the various aspects that make up the aviation industry, and the procedures of which private aviation companies undergo, in order to exceed client expectations. I also became aware of how small details within clients’ flight journeys, for instance food arrangements influence significantly on their overall traveling experience, and impacts their perception of the destination.

This internship has allowed me to gain further knowledge about the various aspects that make up the aviation industry, and the procedures of which private aviation companies undergo, in order to exceed client expectations.


From Marina Harada (Grade 11)

In the winter break, we did an internship with Universal Aviation and were fortunate to be exposed to various tasks that take to manage private jets. We were able to see the desk work that works in contacting companies that manage the private jets and reserve slots to land the airplane and others. We also went to the airfield to see the actual service such as catering, transporting luggage, and escorting passengers. 

My favorite experience of them all is when we got to go inside the private jet. The engineer and pilots kindly explained how the computer in the cockpit gets updated. 

Overall, this experience made me more interested in working in the aviation field in the future.

My favorite experience of them all is when we got to go inside the private jet. The engineer and pilots kindly explained how the computer in the cockpit gets updated. 





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