Alex Gordon (2015)

1) What are your fondest memories of Seisen International School? 

My 14 years at Seisen have given me so many memories, from Letterland day in Kindergarten, to joining volleyball and basketball in 6th grade, to participating in the Speech contest… all the way up to singing and dancing on stage with my classmates during graduation. The majority of my childhood memories took place at Seisen, and whether I am thinking about a specific memory or my time overall at Seisen, I am flooded with positive memories that are the foundation of who I am today. I wouldn’t have changed anything over those 14 years and am so lucky to have wonderful memories with so many amazing friends, teachers and coaches.  

2) How did your education at Seisen influence your career path? 

Not only did Seisen influence my career path, but it gave me the building blocks to succeed in my career. Seisen no doubt prepares you for the future in both higher education and in the workforce. The rigorous IB program helped me improve my work ethic and also gave me the opportunity to explore my own interests. I was able to take an IB Business class that furthered my interest in Marketing, which I studied in college, and I am now a Brand Marketing Specialist. Seisen helped me not only choose the career I was interested in but gave me the skills that I use everyday at work and in my personal life.  

3) What life advice would you give current students? 

Work hard but remember to have fun! Seisen gives you so many opportunities to try new things, meet different types of people and grow in both your personal and professional life. Take advantage and work hard, but remember you are still young and you will make mistakes. I still remember being in 7th grade and failing my first test ever (a Japanese final exam). I was upset, embarrassed and cried so much… thinking that it was the end of the world. Looking back, of course it was upsetting, but it definitely wasn’t the end of the world! I ended up loving my Japanese class, learning so much over the next 5 years, and became an A student. Growing up can be hard, but that is part of the process. Seisen gave me the skills to figure out what to do in difficult/stressful times and how to improve to become the best version of myself!

Be your authentic self, keep your values and you will go far!