Grade 2 concludes units with a Farmers' Market.
Kindergarten (Ages 2-5)
Seisen Kindergarten students enjoy a community of mixed-aged groups and gender where they learn to collaborate, communicate and grow from each other.
Learning in the Kindergarten
It is fun and engages all the senses. Students are playing, working and learning with a purpose. They are doing it for themselves and they are learning essential skills such as problem-solving, working with others, sharing and much more.
Students enjoy a carefully prepared safe environment to allow for exploration and creativity in all curriculum areas. They have a choice of different activities that are graded from easy to more challenging to suit individual needs.
Their sense of curiosity is fostered on a daily basis.
Benefits of the Montessori and IB Primary Years Programme in the Kindergarten
As students develop ownership of their learning, they are prepared for uncertainties and changes in routines and in life
It is an international inquiry curriculum and blends well with our Montessori curriculum
The knowledge and skills taught prepare students to be successful in school and in future life
Students have a voice and are encouraged to take responsible action with their own environment and are supported to reach out beyond their own community
Students learn how to make choices and in turn they become more aware of how their own learning and thinking processes work
It supports students to become independent learners to reach a higher level of achievement
It provides a cohesive transition to Elementary School
Multi-age and co-ed classes develop life skills
The multi-age Montessori 3-6 approach provides a very important ‘life skill’ for all students. Social skills are formed between the ages of 0-6 and it is an important time for boys and girls to interact and develop relationships with each other.
More than just a playground
- An 830 square metre private playground exclusively for our Kindergarten students
- Expansive outdoor playground learning space which is also used for performances
- Students step from their classrooms directly onto the playground
Science Technology Engineering Art Math in Kindergarten
- ICT integration within the PYP Units of Inquiry.
- iPads for all classrooms for documenting evidence
- Seesaw platform as a main form of communication with all stakeholders.
- Projector in all classrooms
The older students act as role models for their younger peers and the younger students learn so much from them. This mentorship also helps the older students to reinforce their skills and gives them an opportunity to be leaders within the classroom environment.
Highlights from the division
- Integration of specialist classes: PE, Dance, Music, Library, Art, Religious Studies and ICT integration.
- Rich, differentiated learning environment with the Montessori didactic and educational materials. Materials that are graded from easy to difficult and available to all students at their particular stage of readiness.
- Highly sought after Toddler program for 2 year olds.
- Diversity of our Kindergarten students and teachers.
- Lucy Calkins' Reader's and Writer’s Workshop.
- Parent observations of classroom learning.
- Performances and activities throughout the year, International Week, Christmas, Culture Day, Letterland, Global Mindedness Days, Graduation, Sports Day and field trips.
- Fundraising each year for our Sister School in East Timor and March 11th for the people of Tohoku, Japan.
- St. Raphaela Day of Service on May 18th.
Learn More from the Kindergarten Principal and PYP Coordinator
Tips for managing screen time and promoting healthy routines.
Central idea: The earth’s natural systems create both gradual and rapid changes which can impact people’s lives and the earth.
What does leadership look like in Seisen elementary school?
What does the Connecting Idea & Going Further stages of the PYP Exhibition include?
What does the getting started and investigating stage look like during the PYP Exhibition process?
Yoonseo, from grade three, entered and won the International Storytime Magazine "Create a Comic" Competition.
Grade 2 investigated various habitats around the world and created a video to teach others about it.
The Life On Land Rescue Team raise 54,000 yen for WWF.
The Personal Project inspires the Grade 4 & Grade 5 students as they work on their own presentations and learn from the passion, interests, communication and self-management skills of the Grade 10s.
Elementary Student Initiated Action
The Grade 5 Leadership in Action Programme: Our action as leaders impacts the community.
Sharing our Grade 4 developed coding games with the community.
Grade 3 Students learn how: Inventions influence the way we live today and can impact the future.
Traditions within celebrations can connect people locally and globally.