High School (Grades 9-12)

The IB Middle Years (MYP) and Diploma Programmes (DP) provide a framework aligned with our school mission for students to develop and share their passion for learning through leadership and service.

Learning in the High School

At Seisen International School, our High School students develop a love for learning through leadership, social  justice, and service. Students grow through the lens of the Seisen Student and Teacher Profile to think critically and to effect change through reflection and action. The rigorous IB Middle Years and Diploma Programme frameworks allow students to explore different avenues of conceptual learning, while challenging themselves to question knowledge while developing a global mindset. Student leadership opportunities abound within our learning community through academics, athletics, student council, extra-curriculars, and our experiential learning program. These programmes create unique experiences for students to explore their passions and to instil a love of learning in their peers. Students build community and develop lasting relationships through peer mentorship in vertical advisory groups. Seisen International High School students are committed to celebrating diversity, taking deliberate actions to make sure all are included, and to strive for true equality. 


IB Middle Years and Diploma Programmes

Grade 9 and 10 students study eight concept-driven courses each year as part of the IB Middle Years Programme. In Grade 10, students will complete the MYP Personal Project which allows them to connect classroom learning engagements with personal experience. In Grades 11 and 12, students will participate in the IB Diploma Programme, choosing six subject areas to study from a range of options at different levels. Students will also engage with a Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course, complete an extended essay (EE), and explore learning opportunities through creativity, activity, and service (CAS). 

Learn more about the MYP and DP 

Benefits of the IB Middle Years and Diploma Programmes in the High School

Learners build confidence in managing their own learning

Learners develop an understanding of global challenges and a commitment to act as responsible global citizens

Learners engage with a challenging and relevant curriculum

A focus on the Learner Profile facilitates students' growing understanding of self, openness to others and builds global-mindedness

Learners thrive in an environment centered around conceptual understandings and global contexts 

Learners develop higher-order critical and creative thinking skills

Learners prepare for and gain entry to competitive universities and colleges around the world


Science Technology Engineering Art Math (STEAM)

  • Seisen 'Firebird' International competitive science team with a focus on design and developing solutions in a complex world
  • Student-led STEAM extracurricular clubs: AI, UI/UX, Medical Careers Club, Environmental Action Initiative, Empty Bowls, and more
  • UKMT Mathematics Challenge and Math Field Day event
  • Annual Big Science Day event with notable guest speakers
  • DP students share their art portfolios each year in a state-of-the-art studio located in the heart of Tokyo
  • MYP Design program and labs for design technology, digital design, and programming

Highlights from the High School

  • Leadership opportunities and development in an all-girls environment in academic and extracurricular settings
  • Student-led and initiated extracurricular clubs: TEDxSeisen, Anti-Racism Education Alliance, Worthy Purpose Club, and more
  • Competitive athletics program with participation in local and international leagues
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award program
  • Commitment to service through action
  • Robust choral and instrumental programs
  • Vertically-designed advisory system for peer support
  • Experiential learning classes set within the regular schedule
  • Dedicated grade level trips within Japan and internationally
  • Extracurricular offerings including MUN, Debate, Speech, Brainbowl, and more

Learn More from the High School Principal, MYP and DP Coordinators

Summing Things Up

As with all subjects in the MYP, the Mathematics curriculum framework is designed to take students beyond memorization of content into deeper conceptual understanding and the building of skills that will transfer across other disciplines and into their future math studies.

Read More about Summing Things Up
MYP Learning Spaces

Seisen MYP teachers have recently been investing time in collaboration around ways to make more effective use of shared learning spaces.

Read More about MYP Learning Spaces
Preparing for DP Mock Exams

There are a variety of things that could happen at a national or individual level between now and the Spring exams so I have tried to anticipate these and provide answers as best I can.

Read More about Preparing for DP Mock Exams