Elementary (Grades 1-5)

Our Primary Years Programme (PYP) is designed to provide a holistic education addressing students’ social, emotional and physical well-being together with their academic growth and development.

Our transdisciplinary programme of inquiry allows students to explore issues of personal, local, national and global interest. This serves as a foundation to support the development of international-mindedness and global citizenship.

Learning in the Elementary

Students are encouraged to experience the joy of learning, to develop independence and to take responsibility for their learning. Students are actively involved in learning how to learn.

We offer a stimulating and academically challenging learning environment with collaborative, conceptually-based inquiry as our core pedagogical approach to learning and teaching. We focus on fostering strong learning communities, supported by warm and caring student-teacher relationships, where risk-taking is encouraged and celebrated. Students are encouraged to act on their learning so they might positively impact their own lives and the lives of others.


Benefits of the IB Primary Years Programme in the Elementary

Strong emphasis on learning how to learn; communication, self-management, social, thinking and research skills

Encourages students to take action , including participation, advocacy, social justice, social entrepreneurship and lifestyle choices

Nurtures independent and collaborative learners

A focus on the Learner Profile facilitates students' growing understanding of self, openness to others and builds international-mindedness.

Supports the development of conceptual understanding, helping grow to understand the world around them

Engaging, significant, challenging and relevant curriculum framework

Student voice, choice and ownership of learning encouraged

Engaging, significant, challenging and relevant curriculum framework.


Single Subject Integration

  • ICT Curriculum; focus on integration, skills building and safe digital citizenship
  • Seesaw App & Google Classroom
  •  1:1 devices (iPads) to support and extend learning
ES Elementary

Highlights from the Elementary

  • Specialist subjects: Art, Music, PE, ICT integration, Library integration, Religious and Cultural Explorations, Personal Social and Health Education lessons led by our ES counselor 
  • Seisen After School Activities Programme (SASA)
  • Seisen After School Elementary Sports Programme
  • Supervised Home Learning Club and Afternoon Recess Hour
  • Provision of English as an Additional Language Support (EAL)
  • Learning Support for those who will benefit from it
  • Language learning - Japanese & Spanish
  • Grade level assemblies focusing on Social and Emotional Learning, character development, navigating relationships, and contributing to a community. 
  • Grade 5 Leadership Initiative

Learn More from the Elementary Principal and PYP Coordinator