
Welcoming students and faculty members of all faiths and nationalities.

Welcome to Seisen and the digital introduction to our school’s story! The Seisen Story in International Education is a story grounded in an educational philosophy of love and service as nurtured by the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the teachings of their Foundress St Raphaela Mary. As a Catholic International School we maintain our tradition of welcoming students and faculty members of all faiths and nationalities, as we continue to address with our students the challenges of the world that lies beyond Seisen.

Seisen International School is first and foremost a Catholic international school. Its Guiding Statements, while having a Catholic Christian foundation, are considered to be universal in purpose and intent, in that they echo our holistic approach to education both academic and moral, and thus they are deemed appropriate for our diverse representations of learners, nationalities, cultures, identities and faith communities in our school community.

As a Catholic and as an international school, we are committed to providing curriculum, learning and teaching that explicitly explores and addresses local and global issues. A strength in the implementation of the Guiding Statements lies in the legacy established by the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and their vision of a Catholic education in an international school setting.

A dedicated Administration team and invested faculty who wish to honor that legacy yet move the school forward in terms of learning and teaching, curricular offerings, extra curricular choices and social justice offerings are also clear strengths within our community.

Agents of Positive Change in The World

Our story spans almost 60 years of educating young women in our High School and Middle School, young girls in our Elementary School, and young boys and girls in our Kindergarten.

Learn More about our History

Colette Rogers - Head of School

Ms. Colette Rogers
Head of School

The service and leadership opportunities available to our students enable them to become, from a young age, agents of positive change in the world.

As an International Baccalaureate Continuum school we offer internationally recognized curriculum frame works of Montessori and IB Primary Years Program in the Kindergarten, the IB Primary Years Program in the Elementary School, the IB Middle Years Program in grades 6- 10 and the IB Diploma Program offered in the High School. In the delivery of these frameworks we base our methodology on best practices of 21st Century teaching and learning skills and the integration of technology in the classroom. We have a broad range of extracurricular sports and fine arts opportunities and our young women have garnered a reputation of being talented, focused, and highly successful in these various pursuits on the local and international competitive levels.

However, our story offers more than just the happy endings of successful exam results and acceptance into academically demanding colleges and universities. Our Student – Teacher profile is more than just words on a page to us, but a living testament to what we are trying to achieve at Seisen. Our guiding principles give our students at each level of the school a sense of their own amazing self -worth, a sense of personal dignity and a sense of respect for others and the environment. The service and leadership opportunities available to our students enable them to become, from a young age, agents of positive change in the world.

By helping our students become communicators, risk takers, collaborators, reflective inquirers, knowledgeable, compassionate, principled, leaders, global minded and religious men and women, our talented and committed faculty is continuing the Seisen story into the future.

The next chapters in the Seisen story also involve the life stories of our former students influenced by the Seisen educational mission to “develop their unique talents and to become competent and compassionate players in our global society, capable of empowering others and of bringing hope and peace to our ever changing world”

So please enjoy exploring the Seisen story through our web site to get a taste of the “Seisen Way”, the warm and caring atmosphere of the school, the many talents of our faculty and staff, the supportive Seisen Parents Association, the dedicated Former Students Association and the wonderful students we have the honor of teaching every day. We are proud of our students, proud of their achievements at every age and proud of the educational legacy of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart.

Better still, why not come and visit us in person to experience the Seisen story for yourself? We may very well be the international school story that you want your child, your family, and yourself to be a part of!

Colette Rogers
Head of School

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