
Our Guiding Statements

Seisen International School is first and foremost a Catholic international school. Our Guiding Statements are key drivers in all aspects of life in Seisen International School and are responsive to the nature of the community. 

While having a Catholic Christian foundation, our Guiding Statements are considered to be universal in purpose and intent. They echo our holistic approach to education both academic and moral, and they are deemed appropriate for our diverse representations of learners, nationalities, cultures, identities and faith communities in our school community

Our Mission and Guiding Principles act as the foundation for all our Guiding Statements inclusive of: Student Teacher Profile, Parent Profile, I-DEA, Definition of Learning, Global Mindedness, and our Student Safeguarding Policy Handbook.


Seisen International School, a Catholic International School, educates future world citizens to become men and women for others and with others, in the spirit of Jesus Christ.

Seisen’s mission is to provide a safe environment with a focus on the multi-faceted nature of community wellbeing. We seek to empower each student, through shared responsibility, creativity, and human interdependence, to develop their unique talents and to become competent and compassionate players in our global society, capable of empowering others and of bringing hope and peace to our ever-changing world.

Guiding Principles

Our guiding principles are based on the tradition of learning and service handed down from St. Raphaela, the founding member of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

  • Educate women for social and cultural transformation

  • Nurture faith development

  • Shape international mindedness and celebrate diversity

  • Side with the poor

  • Reach out to the world with hospitality and hope

  • Act as leaven for worldwide community building

  • Reverence creation

  • Share all that we are and have

Seisen Guiding Statements